Once More with Fax Machine

in collaboration with Codeacious, FIGMENT Geelong 2013

A blend of personal nostalgia and a reflection on the imminently obsolete character of Geelong’s blue-collar and industrial roots, local software wizzes, Codeacious, brought ‘Once More with Fax Machine’ to life by enabling it to invite participation via Twitter. At first simply a sculpture of scaffolding and fax machines, by sending a tweet with #oncemorewithfaxmachine, two of the faxes would be triggered to ring and print the tweet. Soon messages written by people all around the world were falling from the heavens in the middle of the public park and interactive arts festival. As these messages were not claimed, the piece became a living gallery/library and participants became co-creators as they used the platform for their own expressive themes – a series of “Faux Fax Facts” became highly anticipated arrivals for the group that formed to around and within the piece.