I initiated and produce FIGMENT Geelong 2013 – 2015. Featuring international collaborations and cutting edge artists alongside amateur enthusiasts, FIGMENT is an arts event like no other; an indoor and outdoor participatory arts exhibit, grassroots community arts festival and social experiment, with interactive installations, participatory performance, games, costuming, activities, sound and video art, workshops and anything else the mind can envision. FIGMENT is FREE; in the sense of not costing anything but also meaning that it’s open, welcoming and inspiring.

FIGMENT is based on principles that make it clear that it’s not just about art, FIGMENT is about a new approach to being a community. FIGMENT is about participation. Precisely because it requires interaction between the art, the artist, and the viewer, participatory art can be a vehicle for personal and social transformation. The passive viewer is made active, contributing to the creation, understanding and very definition of the art. These activities bring together artists and community members in ways that build relationships and encourage individual creativity.

FIGMENT Geelong is a grassroots effort, organized and run entirely by volunteers and is supported by a City of Greater Geelong Community Arts Festivals grant.